In A World Where You Can Be Anything…
About a month ago I had the rare and guilty pleasure of taking a lengthy road trip up the Eastern Seaboard with one of my dearest college girlfriends. I don’t want to giveaway my age perse, but college was quite a while ago! Let’s just put it that way! But we did spend 36 driving hours together and I could have done 100 more.
Two things occurred to me. Number one, I hate getting old and number two, the friends you make in college, I’ve found have been my dearest throughout my lifetime thus far. Of course I’ve gained new ones, but there are 4 of us gal pals that were all born within a week of each other, only two of us are the same age and two were born on the exact same day! Just a bit of interesting Libra knowledge fro you! By the way the reason I hate getting older is because I love life and it goes by so fast that I want to make sure I can do all the things I’ve set out to accomplish in my lifetime. I am so grateful to God for my Amazing friends and our amazing lives. The other reason I hate being old is because I have too many aches and pains from sitting so long in a car!
So now let’s, or let me get to the point of my blog! I have not kept up with my blogs on a consistent basis and I apologize, but makeover_medicine has been worthwhile time consumer.
My gal pal Gail Youngquist had told me in the car about her lifetime favorite “quotes”, if you will… and that’s between singing all of the 70, 80, and 90’s songs and solving the world’s problems!
The quote: If you can be anything in this world that you want… Do one thing Be Kind…
Never has this meant more to me after watching the tragic shootings that took place in El Paso and Ohio! How Senseless, How Sad, How Bad! We are in a state of epic hatred in our country!
I am not going to preach about this or summarize about it, but I will tell you, and I urge you to do the same, I am going to do my Best to do something about it.
I am going to help on a level that I know I can and if it helps one person, it’s greater than none! Like Hillary Clinton said, “It takes a Village to raise our children.” This could have possibly been the quote of the century!
I urge our communities to gather and help our young people! We all have to come together and work together to stop the Madness! I am working on a project now and in the next six months, you will see it unfold on my – our teams series Makeover Medicine! Please Please let’s work together in a concerted effort starting with kindness!