Welcome to the “Blog.” I actually looked at the Urban Dictionary for a definition of the Blog because I wasn’t sure what it exactly stood for, because without giving my age away, I really think it’s an awful lot like the “newsletter” I used to compose for my various places of employment. Turns out the Urban Dictionary describes the Blog as a blatant uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid pathetic life. Funny! Also this is not what I intend to do! Please bear with me as I tell you how I would love for you all to contribute, just so as you do not have to hear about my pathetic life. Even if I’ve nothing to talk about – which is usually NEVER… I will not talk about “my life” so to speak. Having cleared the air with that one, my idea for a blog is actually more of a FORUM by which I will be the facilitator guiding and researching different topics and YOU ALL will jump in on the comments section and go to town. While we are on the topic of topics, I do not want this to be boring, I want to amp it up by choosing topics that are a little more controversial. I want the overall gist to be in the realm of fashion, fitness, travel, fashion news and of course anything FUN, but enough mundane talk about trending fashions I want the controversy surrounding trending fashion, a very specific controversy relating to trending fashion!!!! Even if some people are slightly “put off” because it gives us THE ENTERTAINMENT FACTOR missing in a lot of “blogs.” Again, I used the word us, because this will be a forum with contribution from anyone who wants to give their 2 cents. Bear in mind these are only opinions and there is no right or wrong, just our own humble opinions! I must just add this sentence, because it is important for you all to know that what is discussed with the realm of the forum is not necessarily what I believe or agree with, but EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION!
I will make this one statement for the good ole GUIDELINES AND RULES section, by the way, I hate rules! But………. nonetheless I have to say it! Let us not be negative or get into any trashing or bashing individuals, groups are a better target, but individuals are separate! However, it is clearly “ok” in my humble opinion to talk about the clothing that individuals are wearing! I will just leave it at that, as you all know what I mean! Moving along to my first topic, which will be discussed below, and the future of topics! I would like to do the Forum starting with 2 topics per week! I don’t want to be overly aggressive in the summer time as most of us do some sort of traveling! My aim obviously is to get the topics for discussion out twice weekly and on the same days every week. I will announce on the website if something comes up or changes. And most importantly, always know that you can reach out to me with any questions, comments, or topics on my private email as well. Let’s have some FUN……………
I thought it would benefit all of us to understand the difference between a blogger and an influencer if I were to be something similar or talk about bloggers and influencers! Apparently, there is a big difference, says the fashion gods and or goddesses! Underneath the heading I googled I found a “Fashionista” website that answers various fashion questions. There I found an interesting article regarding “differences”. Hell, I thought Bloggers were just Rich Bitches that tried on or purchased nice clothing then came home and attempted to report on trends or what have you, —things revolving around fashion presumably and largely trends. And truthfully, with the exception of a few great bloggers and blog posts, this is how I still feel, I think!
Apparently, this is how it works, all bloggers are influencers, but not all infulencers are bloggers – OK! INFLUENCERS ARE THE S—T, ok, these are the people at the best parties and in the front rows of the shows – AKA – IT GIRLS, so to speak! A lot of influencers are socialites and they don’t blog. Bloggers are lowly people on the fashion stack! You have to earn influencer status through your “blog” and influencers will often start a blog to capitalize on what they already have going. Have you ever heard the phrase, “it takes money to make money.” Well this is the perfect case and point! When bloggers get to the point where they have websites and people running their websites they have graduated to influencer status and that is not easy to do, especially now because I feel we are inundated with people showing us fashion trends, kinda boring even though I do it. Laughing to myself, I just have to justify all my clothing costs to my husband and now I can tell him, “but I do wear everything I buy.” And I will leave it at that!!!!! But, seriously, how many bloggers can we follow and read when basically they are reporting on massive similar trending fashion issues-designers trends. Seriously, because most that are serious bloggers whose actual career is a blog post, get paid to promote certain brands. And now for the most most annoying problem I have with the bloggers is this. Companies, well the biggest one I see online is “Like to Know It!” This is one company, basically I see it on Instagram that pays the bloggers to push product and get paid to do so! How absolutely annoying it is to like some piece of clothing, go back, push on the picture, praying the designer is tagged and will pop up, only to back to the picture, read go to the bottom of the page to find that …you can actually get the designer and maybe even a slight 10% discount if only you can get out of Instagram go to the “like to know App,” OMG and the link to bio only to find I’ve got have the DREADED PASSWORD to to get into this whatever, just to find the designer that the “blogger”, in my ever so humble opinion , should have tagged anyway, to make my life easier. For one, I cannot remember any passwords, I do have quite a lot of them, and I LOATHE looking them up!! However, I will cut these true “bloggers” a break because this is how they make a living doing what they Love. I firmly believe in NOT stomping on any woman’s Hustle! Well…almost every woman’s Hustle! Moving on…I would like to sort of separate myself from the others in a few ways most of which I discussed above by using a forum style feedback through comments! So, In summary, follow me twice per week and together we will have a forum style discussion regarding topics dealing with fashion, fashion news, fitness, travel, fun and the like. We will promise not to pummel people too much, just kidding, but we will have fun solving the fashion worlds’ problems. Be prepared for the next topic… People who say the “just want to lose 10 pounds, first”