Hello and thank you for joining me! I hope you find today’s topic helpful in
whatever you do!
When it comes to the topic of exercise and weight loss, we have to understand
how the two are related to each other. Having said that I do have a post
–graduate degree in Exercise Science and I am a firm believer in exercise for
numerous reasons. All said, exercise is not that effective in the overall process
of weight loss!
Here’s why, as we spoke before cardiovascular exercise burns a very minimal
amount of calories! For our purposes, let’s just say everyone burns
approximately 100 calories for every mile of cardiovascular exercise they
achieve. In the big picture folks, that ain’t a lot of calories.
What cardiovascular exercise does do is huge; it is a LIFE PRESERVER!!!! The
role that exercise plays in the prevention of disease and the reversal of disease
is enormous. There is vast research on this topic and it really is beyond the
scope of this blog. Take my word for it; we all need it!
Strength training or weight training on the other hand plays a bit larger role in
long-term weight loss, for one reason basically. Muscle is metabolically active,
which means it burns fat as its fuel. Good thing – Right?
Now here is where strength training loses it’s appeal for some women, but it
should not. Let me give you a brief example:
If you have 2 containers the same size and you put fat in one and muscle
in the other, guess what? The container with muscle is going to weigh 4
times that of the container with fat! Applied to us, this means that when
we strength train and gain muscle — — — – we may not see such a difference
on the scale, however, our bodies will look one HELLUVA lot better!
I’ve worked in fitness for a very long time and notoriously women don’t like the
weight training because they think they will get too “big.” Really this is not the
case with most women! The reason being is that we don’t have enough
testosterone to get that big! Simple… Come on folks, really it is!
You will see results with strength training, you will see inches disappear, and you
will see some results with the cardio exercise – bottom line there is that you will
be a much healthier person.
So now I am going to sum this up so that it makes more sense.
If your goal is weight loss, 90% of your efforts should be focused on your diet!
By diet I mean what you eat and how much you eat.
The exercise regimen will assist you in burning extra calories and you will burn
more calories throughout the day when you do exercise.
My suggestion would be that if you want to start an exercise program is to grab a
trainer at the gym and take a few sessions to make sure you are on the right
path! If you have further questions on this topic I can be reached at the email
listed above.
Have a super weekend and we will see you again on Tuesday. Here’s thinking of
We wish them the best and safety first!
Thank you for the read!